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  • Conductivity Water Quality Sensor

Conductivity Water Quality Sensor

Conductivity water quality sensor

Parameter Range:

EC: 0.001-200 000μS/cm, resolution Minimum 0.001μS/cm, accuracy ±5%
TDS: 0.01 - 100 000 mg/L, resolution Minimum 0.01mg/L, accuracy ±5%
Salinity: 0.01 - 120 000 mg/L, resolution Minimum 0.01mg/L, accuracy ±5%

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Product description Technical specifications Reviews
Overview The conductivity water quality sensor operates with an alternating voltage applied between the measuring electrodes, which will generate a corresponding current in the medium. The magnitude of the current is positively correlated with the conductivity of the medium, thus measuring the conductivity of the medium. To compensate for the measurement errors caused by polarization, the SPS-EC has a reference electrode, making the measurement results more accurate. The SPS-EC sensor has a built-in five-point interpolation algorithm that allows the user to calculate TDS and salinity from conductivity. The SPS-EC series conductivity sensor uses RS485 communication interface and Modbus RTU protocol communication, which is widely used and easy to use. It is widely used in tap water, surface water, groundwater, domestic sewage and other scenarios to provide customers with stable and reliable water quality monitoring data. Features Easy to install Low maintenance costs Multiple shapes for different installation conditions Application Municipal Pipe Network Waterworks Secondary water supply Surface water or groundwater
Product code SPS-EC
Manufacturer code SPS-EC

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